An oven is used to cook food. Ovens are an essential machine in any developed town with no local raw food. An oven is also capable of brewing apothecary mixtures, coffee and tea.
No more than four can be built in a single location.
[hide]- 1 Projects
Maximum workers: 2 (1 for brewing coffee and tea)
Baking apple pie
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of apple pie
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
Required resources
- 400 grams of pastry dough
- 100 grams of apples
- 25 grams of wood
Required tools
Skill used
Baking cookies
Output per day of labour
- 550 grams of cookies
- Automatic and manual
Maximum output
- 44000 grams
Required resources
- 400 grams of pastry dough
- 150 grams of sugar
- 30 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking meat pie
Output per day of labour
- 2000 grams of meat pie
Maximum output
- 160000 grams
Required resources
- 1000 grams of pastry dough
- 1000 grams of meat
- 80 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking pizza
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of pizza
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
Required resources
- 200 grams of pastry dough
- 300 grams of tomatos
- 80 grams of wood
Required tools
Skill used
Baking potatoes
Output per day of labour
- 800 grams of baked potatoes
Maximum output
- 64000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking pretzels
Output per day of labour
- 600 grams of pretzels
Maximum output
- 48000 grams
Required resources
- 550 grams of wheat flour
- 50 grams of salt
- 30 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Brewing coffee
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of coffee
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
Required resources
- 200 grams of ground coffee
- 25 grams of wood
- 300 grams of water
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Brewing tea
Output per day of labour
- 175 grams of tea
Maximum output
- 14000 grams
Required resources
- 50 grams of crushed tea
- 10 grams of wood
- 200 grams of water
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Cooking porridge
Output per day of labour
- 400 grams of porridge
Maximum output
- 32000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Curdling milk
Output per day of labour
- 250 grams of cheese curds
Maximum output
- 20000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Popping popcorn
Output per day of labour
- 750 grams of popcorn
Maximum output
- 60000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Roasting coffee
Output per day of labour
- 1000 grams of coffee beans
Maximum output
- 80000 grams
Required resources
- 1000 grams of coffee cherries
- 25 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Steaming rice
Output per day of labour
- 1050 grams of steamed rice
Maximum output
- 84000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
Skill used
Baking bread
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of bread
- Automated project
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
Required resources
- 500 grams of wheat flour
- 30 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking cornbread
Output per day of labour
- 600 grams of cornbread
- Automated project
Maximum output
- 48000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking rye bread
Output per day of labour
- 400 grams of rye bread
- Automated project
Maximum output
- 32000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking sorghum bread
Output per day of labour
- 600 grams of sorghum bread
- Automated project
Maximum output
- 48000 grams
Required resources
- 600 grams of sorghum flour
- 30 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Meat and fish
Baking cod
Output per day of labour
- 400 grams of baked cod
Maximum output
- 32000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking pike
Output per day of labour
- 200 grams of baked pike
Maximum output
- 16000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking salmon
Output per day of labour
- 200 grams of baked salmon
Maximum output
- 16000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Baking trout
Output per day of labour
- 400 grams of baked trout
Maximum output
- 32000 grams
Required resources
- 400 grams of rainbow trout
- 40 grams of wood
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Cooking meat
Output per day of labour
- 200 grams of cooked meat
Maximum output
- 16000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Stewing meat and barley
Output per day of labour
- 450 grams of stew
Maximum output
- 36000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used
Stewing meat and vegetables
Output per day of labour
- 400 grams of stew
Maximum output
- 14000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Skill used