New pages
- 02:53, 17 February 2025 Binoculares de madera (hist) [1,074 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:WoodCaseBinoculars}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas |...")
- 02:52, 17 February 2025 Binoculares de hierro (hist) [1,074 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:IronCaseBinoculars}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas |...")
- 02:51, 17 February 2025 Binoculares de acero (hist) [1,073 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SteelCaseBinoculars}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas |...")
- 02:46, 17 February 2025 Catalejo de madera (hist) [1,123 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:WoodCaseSpyglass}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas | ha...")
- 02:45, 17 February 2025 Catalejo de hierro (hist) [1,123 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:IronCaseSpyglass}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas | ha...")
- 02:44, 17 February 2025 Catalejo de acero (hist) [1,122 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SteelCaseSpyglass}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas | h...")
- 02:36, 17 February 2025 Telescopio simple de madera (hist) [1,153 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:WoodCaseSimpleTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramient...")
- 02:35, 17 February 2025 Telescopio simple de hierro (hist) [1,153 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:IronCaseSimpleTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramient...")
- 02:33, 17 February 2025 Telescopio simple de acero (hist) [1,152 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SteelCaseSimpleTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramien...")
- 02:13, 17 February 2025 Tubo de acero (hist) [770 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SteelCase}} {{ST|stack= {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Productos semielaborado...")
- 01:53, 17 February 2025 Tubo de madera (hist) [750 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:WoodCase}} {{ST|stack= {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Productos semielaborados...")
- 01:48, 17 February 2025 Telescopio de madera (hist) [1,168 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:WoodenCaseTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas |...")
- 01:46, 17 February 2025 Telescopio de acero (hist) [1,166 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SteelCaseTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas |...")
- 01:36, 17 February 2025 Telescopio de hierro (hist) [1,166 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:IronCaseTelescope}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Herramientas | h...")
- 01:19, 17 February 2025 Espejo del telescopio (hist) [745 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:TelescopeMirror}} {{ST|stack= {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Productos semiela...")
- 01:11, 17 February 2025 Tubo de hierro (hist) [760 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:IronCase}} {{ST|stack= {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Productos semielaborados...")
- 01:19, 16 February 2025 Lente de vidrio de precisión (hist) [762 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:PrecisionGlassLens}} {{ST|stack= {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Productos semi...")
- 13:54, 10 January 2025 Horno para cerámica pequeño (sin fijar) (hist) [692 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SmallKilnUnfixed}} {{ST|stack={{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Máquinas (es) | h...")
- 22:03, 8 January 2025 Puesto de aserrado (hist) [2,669 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:SawingPost}} {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Máquinas (es) | habilidad = Fa...")
- 23:49, 7 January 2025 Puesto de aserrado primitivo (hist) [2,225 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:PrimitiveSawingPost}} {{Infobox:Fabricación | nombre = | nombreoculto = | imagen = | comentario = | categoria = Máquinas (es) | habilida...")
- 22:38, 7 January 2025 Leña (hist) [2,159 bytes] Telurian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InterwikiLink:Firewood}} {{Infobox:Recurso | imagen = Firewood.jpg | resize = 300 | recolectados = 300 | habilidad = Forestación | metodo0 = manual | ca...")