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Eine Feuerstelle kann man zum Essenkochen und Wachsformen einsetzen.
Fleisch grillen
Produktion pro Arbeitstag
- 545 Gramm gegrilltes Fleisch
Maximale Produktion
- 43600 Gramm
Benötigte Rohstoffe
Benötigte Werkzeuge
- keine
Spargel grillen
Produktion pro Arbeitstag
- 550 Gramm gegrillter Spargel
Maximale Produktion
- 44000 Gramm
Benötigte Rohstoffe
Benötigte Werkzeuge
- keine
Roasting carrots
Output per day of labour
- 800 grams of roasted carrots
Maximum output
- 64000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Cooking mashed potatoes (pot)
Output per day of labour
- 2000 grams of mashed potatoes
Maximum output
- 160000 grams
Required resources
Required tools
Cooking meat (pot)
Output per day of labour
- 935 grams of cooked meat
Maximum output
- 74800 grams
Required resources
Required tools
Forming wax
Output per day of labour
- 80 grams of wax
Maximum output
- 6400 grams
Required resources
Required tools
- none
Scrambling eggs
Output per day of labour
- 48 grams of scrambled eggs
Maximum output
- 3,840 grams
Required resources
Required tools
Boiling eggs (pot)
Output per day of labour
- 45 grams of boiled eggs
Maximum output
- 3600 grams
Required resources
Required tools
Curdling milk (pot)
Output per day of labour
- 550 grams of cheese curds
Maximum output
- 44000 grams
Required resources
Required tools