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I've been

  • playing Cantr since turn 809 (= spring of 2004)
  • RD member (Tailor) Feb 2006 ‒ June 2008 and again from July 2013 to April 2015
  • Public Relations Department member (Finnish translator) from Jan 2007 to April 2015 (It was originally Languages Department)
  • ProgD member from 2008 to Oct 2014

I was responsible for the implementation of overhearing whispers and the concept of a stomach (ability to eat healing food even when you're not wounded and daily foods manually). As far as I can remember, I also suggested that boats should have wakes (in the past, you couldn't see which way they were moving or if they were moving at all). I also accidentally caused the first time all the dead came back to life (2008) but worked on repairing the damage afterwards. I also programmed the ability to add and report custom character descriptions and the thing where clothing is displayed in a logical head to toe order instead of in the order in which the categories were implemented.

At the moment of writing (Nov 10, 2013) I've either suggested or designed at least the following clothing items: all aprons, all socks and anklets except for the silk stockings, leather belts, furry accessories (tails and ears), plain leather bracers (originally only decorated existed), all jade jewelry save for the pendant, crocheted items, all topaz jewelry except for the pinky ring, fine fur cloak and fur coats, silver scarab earrings, hair accessories, crown of lavender, flat cap, dress loafers, fur lined boots, leather biker jacket, straitjacket, blindfolds, fancy and embroidered cotton shirts, knickerbockers, cotton bloomers, hemp undershirt, long-sleeved cotton undershirt and most recent additions.

You might also remember me from drawing Cantr Comic for the webzine, once I also wrote a Cantrian horoscope for them and I've sometimes been drawing character portraits on request (contact me on the forums if you're interested in getting one).

On the Wiki I've mainly been updating clothing-related articles, adding pictures and sometimes trying to work on the Finnish version.