Chocolate cake

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Chocolate cake
Nourishing Food / Healing Food
Eaten40 grams
Heals6% per 100 grams
17 grams heals 1% injury
Manufactured Resource
Resourcescake flour, eggs, sugar, milk, butter or margarine, cocoa powder
Machineryregular oven, coal oven or gas oven
Methods of  manufacturing
oven (300g wood or firewood)
200g cake flour, 100g eggs, 100g sugar, 100g milk
100g butter/margarine, 200g cocoa powder
coal oven (45g coal)
200g cake flour, 100g eggs, 100g sugar, 100g milk
100g butter/margarine, 200g cocoa powder
coal oven (45g charcoal)
200g cake flour, 100g eggs, 100g sugar, 100g milk
100g butter/margarine, 200g cocoa powder
gas oven (25g propane)
200g cake flour, 100g eggs, 100g sugar, 100g milk
100g butter/margarine, 200g cocoa powder
Chocolate cake is very similar to brownies, but more moist (due to the milk) and perfectly suited for spawnday parties. It's also a useful alternative to avoiding that whole "nuts vs. no nuts" controversy.

While you need a whisk, you will not need a casserole dish to make this cake. You will, however, need cake flour, eggs, sugar, milk, butter or margarine, and cocoa powder.

Thanks to the magic of chocolate™ eating a luscious piece is so invigorating, it also reduces tiredness by 1% for every 100 grams eaten.

While some(who???) insist that chocolate cake and beer are perfectly valid breakfast foods, Cantr Staff™ does not recommend this and has a number of very good AA programs they can refer.