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Kuoleman rajatila (lyhennetään alkuperäisen nimen mukaan NDS) lisättiin joulukuun loppupuolella 2012. Se oli vastaus siihen ongelmaan, että hahmon tappamiseen harvemmin liittyi roolipelaamista, tai se kirjoitettiin vasta kuoleman jälkeen jolloin uhri ei nähnyt sitä. Nyt on mahdollista saattaa hahmo täysin avuttomaan tilaan ja saada hänet pudottamaan kaikki vaatteita lukuunottamatta, joten hahmot voivat voittaa taistelun ilman että heidän olisi pakko tappaa kaikkia vastustajia, jos heitä ei huvita.

Kuoleman rajatilaan joutuminen

Kun hahmo kärsii mikä ennen olisi ollut tappavan haavan (100% vahinkoa), joko toisen hahmon hyökkäyksestä, itsensä vahingoittamisesta, eläimen hyökkäyksestä tai myrkystä, hahmo vajoaa NDS:ään. Nälkään nääntyvä tai sydänkohtauksen saavat hahmot eivät vajoa NDS:ään. NDS kestää kolme päivää tai 24 ±1 Cantrin tuntia, paitsi jos joku lopettaa hänet tai pelaaja päättää antaa hahmon kuolla. Kun kolme päivää on kulunut, hahmo voi joko kuolla hoitamattomiin haavoihin tai poistua NDS:stä n. 80% haavoittuneena jos joku paransi hänet. Parantaminen selitetään tarkemmin alla.

Mutta se ei pääty vielä tähän. NDS:n jälkeen hahmo ei voi syödä 5 päivään (poislukien kerran päivässä tapahtuva automaattinen syöminen). Ainoa tapa parantua lisää on luonnollinen parantuminen, joten lepääminen huonekalujen päällä voi olla hyvä idea.

Hahmo, joka vajoaa NDS:ään matkustaessaan tiellä, ilmestyy takana olleeseen paikkaan kuten myös hänen kantamansa tavarat.

What can you do when a character is in NDS?

A character in NDS is assumed to be lying on the ground or floor in the location, uless otherwise roleplayed. The character has about 99.99% damage, so it can easily be dragged. A character in NDS can not be attacked.

Possible actions for a character in NDS

A character in NDS can:

  • Enter the events, people and location pages, as well as the character detailed description page.
  • Talk, both public and whisper, good RP is ancouraged and appreciated.
  • Point at people and roads. Entering other pages with "point at" button is prohibited anyway.
  • Die. Explained in detail below.

New actions avaliable upon another character who is in NDS

  • Heal the character. Explained in detail below.
  • Finish off the character. Explained in detail below.


A character in NDS have the possibility to die immediately. It's done by clicking the "Die" link on the top of the character info page. For other people it looks the same as death because of untreated wounds. It should rather be treated IC as death because of wounds, not suicide. There shouldn't be IC assumptions like "he died 3 minutes after fatal blow so he wanted to die". It can be treated as suicide only if char in NDS roleplays it this way.

Finish off

http://www.cantr.net/graphics/cantr/pictures/button_small_finish_off.gif This is an immediate action which results in permanent death of a character in NDS. It's not limited by the "1 attack per day" rule, so you can give somebody a fatal wound and then finish him/her off. It doesn't cause any tiredness. The finish off range is the same as for a regular attack, i.e. you can finish off char in a vehicle, but not in a building with window from the outside. You have to have an item which can be used for attack, in your inventory to execute this action. You can not finish of a character in NDS, who is actively being healed. Death reason for the body always shows the weapon used in the fatal blow i.e. the weapon used in the attack which resulted in entering NDS.


http://www.cantr.net/graphics/cantr/pictures/button_small_heal.gif Healing results in creating a healing project, which is always successful if completed. One healing project is allowed per location per char in NDS. The healing project takes one day, can be speeded up by using specialized tools like bandage and similar which will be added to the game. It's possible to make progress in a healing project only if the caracter being healed is in the same location. It's impossible to finish off a character whoh is subject to an active (i.e. at least one character working on it) healing project in the same location. But it shouldn't be used as magic shield, because somebody can easily drag the patient to a neighboring location and then finish him/her off.

After the healing project is completed the NDS characters wounds are well-treated, but he/she still doesn't leave NDS until 3 days since fatal blow has passed. So the character can still be finished off. Thats another reason why "healing shield" isn't a really good protection.

New state icons

There are two new state icons for characters in NDS, visible on the Poeple tab:

http://www.cantr.net/graphics/cantr/pictures/icon_small_state_near_death.gif The character is in near death state.

http://www.cantr.net/graphics/cantr/pictures/icon_small_state_near_death_cured.gif The character is in near death state and being healed.