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rough transation)
rough translation)
歡迎到Cantr II wiki! 這些頁被設計幫助您學會更多關於比賽, 學會是有用的當演奏, 和得到基本的技能解釋需要為生存和進一步進展在比賽的所有把戲和要訣。頁不是由Cantr 職員維護由一般球員基地, 並且每當您感到一些資訊是不正確或失蹤; 隨意增加它你自己。是根本的一個基本規則: 這些頁是關於任一字符資訊關於比賽和關於怎樣演奏比賽。在字符資訊, 像個人Cantr 世界的歷史或地圖, 不被允許在這些頁。概測法, 您能簡單地說, 沒有字符的名字或地點名字應該曾經出現在任何這些頁。這wiki 將幫助增加對Cantr 世界的您的理解。這不一定意味, 您的字符必須假裝他知道一切在wiki 。並且記住, wiki 是OOC, 因此不要講話對此在字符。
欢迎来到Cantr II wiki! 这个Wiki 特地为了让你学习更多有戏中的知识,掌握技巧和窍门,而且得到在游戏中生存和发展的资料而设计。这个Wiki是由玩家,而不是Cantr职员,所维持的。若你觉得里面的一些资料不对或不足,请随意补贴。
The pages are maintained by the general player base, not by the Cantr staff, and whenever you feel some information is incorrect or missing; feel free to add it yourself.
Just a basic rule that is essential: These pages are about any out-of-character information on the game and on how to play the game. In-character information, like personal histories or maps of the Cantr world, is NOT allowed on these pages. As a rule of thumb, you can simply say that no characters' names or location names should ever appear on any of these pages.
This wiki is to help increase your understanding of the world of Cantr. This does not necessarily mean that your character must pretend he knows everything in the wiki. And keep in mind that the wiki is OOC, so don't speak about it in character.

Revision as of 10:00, 5 September 2006

English Version (英文版本)

Polska Wersja (波兰语版本)

Nederlandse Versie (菏兰语版本)

Versão Portuguesa (葡萄牙语版本)

Versión Española (西班牙语版本)

Lietuviška versija (立陶宛语版本)

Svensk Version (瑞典语版本)

欢迎来到中文 Cantr II Wiki! 这个网页会帮你顺畅地玩 Cantr II!

rough translation) 欢迎来到Cantr II wiki! 这个Wiki 特地为了让你学习更多有戏中的知识,掌握技巧和窍门,而且得到在游戏中生存和发展的资料而设计。这个Wiki是由玩家,而不是Cantr职员,所维持的。若你觉得里面的一些资料不对或不足,请随意补贴。

The pages are maintained by the general player base, not by the Cantr staff, and whenever you feel some information is incorrect or missing; feel free to add it yourself. 

Just a basic rule that is essential: These pages are about any out-of-character information on the game and on how to play the game. In-character information, like personal histories or maps of the Cantr world, is NOT allowed on these pages. As a rule of thumb, you can simply say that no characters' names or location names should ever appear on any of these pages.

This wiki is to help increase your understanding of the world of Cantr. This does not necessarily mean that your character must pretend he knows everything in the wiki. And keep in mind that the wiki is OOC, so don't speak about it in character.
