Karakter Bilgisi
Karakter Bilgi Kutusu
Cantr oynarken, hemen hemen tüm sayfaların tepesinde, karakterinizin kısa bir özeti (kimi oynadığınızı unutmayasınız diye) ve yedi temel sayfaya bağlantılar olacaktır.
Başlık, Cantr zamanını ve kaç dakikanız kaldığını gösterir.
Next is the name of your character. (Note: This is the name YOU know your character by - there's nothing to stop you giving different names out or other characters choosing to remember you by a differenty name. You can change this the same way you change any name in the game) Next to your name is a small link to the character description page - explained later.
The character's age, the weight they are carrying and their location are all self-explanatory.
If your character is participating in a project, a short description will appear below the location. Clicking on the project name will bring up details on the project, clicking on the "X" will end your characters's participation in the project. The project will not be lost or deleted - you can go and find it later on the "Activity" page (see below).