
From Cantr II Wiki
Revision as of 20:50, 17 April 2017 by Shaudawn (talk | contribs) (The Great Radio Nerf of Day 5403)

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Just a note: There is currently a bug in the game that causes radios to go out of sync. This means that they won't work correctly. All new radios in vehicles and ships start out out of sync. If you build one in a vehicle or ship, contact support and request them to manually re-sync the radios.

Please note that it is against game rules to post OOC messages on the radio.


Made inside buildings, land vehicles (vehicle radio transmitter), or small, medium or large ship cabin (ship radio transmitter).

A radio transmitter has a "use radio" button by it.

When you use this you can enter a message and set the frequency that you want it broadcast on. The message is then broadcast. Everyone in the same location sees you speaking into the radio.


Everyone in the same location as a receiver in range and set to listen to the transmitter's chosen frequency hears the message. The speaker and transmitter are not identified; the message is along the lines of "you hear a radio message 'Mary had a little Lamb.'"


Made inside buildings.

Re-broadcasts everything it receives on the frequency it's set on. Useful if communication is desired between remote locations that falls outside the range of a single radio.

The Great Radio Event of Day 5403

The following message preceded a major change in the usage of electronics in Cantr, particularly with respect to repeaters. (emphasis on relevant information)

Pilot (2017-04-09)

Dear Players,

GAB is planning some adjustments to radio networks. Radios have not been serving well the dynamics of a slow paced game, they have shifted focus away from local environments, and they have placed unnecessary pressures on players attempting to keep apart the interests of multiple characters in the same region. For these and other reasons, we will be disabling repeater-repeater transmission, and reducing the base ranges of all units. We understand that these changes will prove inconvenient for some characters, however we'll ask for some patience in making adjustments. We will reconsider any future adjustments only after evaluating effects over some time in multiple regions. In order to allow time to prepare for these changes, we will delay implementation for some days. We also hope to be announcing more new features and game changes soon.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation during implementation of these changes.

Game Administration Board

An in-game event occured, marking the change:

5403-6.06: High above, a bright mist starts to spread, stretching from horizon to horizon in the form of ridges made of light. The air is charged, and a faint whisper of static noise is heard before all recedes into silence.

This may or may not have also affected the functioning of vehicle receivers. Revised base ranges TBD, but the exact numbers may be restricted to in-game knowledge to be discovered.