Simple twiner
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A simple twiner isn't quite as efficient as the twiner, but it's easier to build.
Yarn can be made with either a spindle or drop spindle.
String is used for making bowstring, a drying rack, or a fishing pole, among other things. Can be further processed into thin rope using a rope machine.
Maximum workers: 2
Twining cotton string
Output per day of labour
- 50 grams of string
Maximum output
- 4000 grams
Required resources
- 50 grams of cotton yarn
Required tools
- none
Twining hemp string
Output per day of labour
- 60 grams of string
Maximum output
- 4800 grams
Required resources
- 60 grams of hemp yarn
Required tools
- none
Twining silk string
Output per day of labour
- 40 grams of string
Maximum output
- 3200 grams
Required resources
- 40 grams of silk yarn
Required tools
- none
Twining sinew string
Output per day of labour
- 20 grams of string
Maximum output
- 1600 grams
Required resources
- 20 grams of sinew
Required tools
- none
Twining wool string
Output per day of labor
- 30 grams of string
Maximum output
- 2400 grams
Required resources
- 30 grams of wool
Required tools
- none