Fishing pole
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A fishing pole is used to speed up the rate of catching fish. It can also be used to fish directly from a boat, like the small fishing net.
Can be used while the boat is floating, but not when sailing or docked to anything. To fish from a ship, use the fishing pole like a machine.
Cod can only be fished on seas, pike on lakes, while salmon and rainbow trout on any type of water.
Maximum workers: 1
Required tools
- fishing pole
Skill used
Fishing for cod
from shore
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of cod
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
from a boat
Output per day of labour
- 375 grams of cod
Maximum output
- 30000 grams
Fishing for pike
from shore
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of pike
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
from a boat
Output per day of labour
- 375 grams of pike
Maximum output
- 30000 grams
Fishing for salmon
from shore
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of salmon
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
from a boat
Output per day of labour
- 375 grams of salmon
Maximum output
- 30000 grams
Fishing for trout
from shore
Output per day of labour
- 500 grams of rainbow trout
Maximum output
- 40000 grams
from a boat
Output per day of labour
- 375 grams of rainbow trout
Maximum output
- 30000 grams