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Fleisch bekommt man durch Jagd auf Tiere. Bevor man es essen kann muss man es erst weiterverarbeiten. Fleisch zubereiten kann man auf verschieden Art und Weisen. Der Unterschied besteht einmal im Zeitaufwand und zum andern dem Ausnutzungsgrad des Rohstoffes Fleisch. z.B. erhält man beim trocknen von 100g Fleisch nur 25g. Wenn man also 10000g Fleisch troknen würde, kann man davon 53 Tage leben. Würde man die gleiche Menge einsalzen, kann man dagegen davon 437 Tage leben. Wenn man den Arbeitsaufwand mit betrachtet ist es effektiver das Fleisch in einem grossen Topf zu Kochen. Nicht eingerechnet sind der Arbeitsaufwand für die Beschaffung von Brennstoffen.
(Comes from killing animals.)
Raw meat is not edible before it is processed in some way, either into grilled meat, cooked meat, smoked meat, salted meat or meat jerky.
When left on the ground outside of a building, raw meat rots at a fast rate.
Additional resources needed.
- Nothing for meat jerky using drying rack.
- Wood or dried dung for cooked meat using primitive oven.
- Wood or dried dung for cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with big pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood or dried dung for cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood or dried dung for cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with small pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood or dried dung for grilled meat using spit.
- Wood or dried dung for grilled meat using small fire pit or deck grill.
- Wood for cooked meat using oven.
- Wood for cooked meat using fire place with big pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood for cooked meat using fire place with pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood for cooked meat using fire place with small pot of stone, copper or steel.
- Wood for grilled meat using fire place.
- Wood for smoked meat using smoker.
- Salt for salted meat using salting barrel.
What is best?
So you have a heap of meat, what to do with it?
Stretching supplies, making the food last longer. (Calculations done with 10000g of meat, without considering what else is needed)
- 437 days of salted meat.
- 374 days of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with big pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 373 days of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 373 days of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with small pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 355 days of cooked meat using oven.
- 327 days of grilled meat using spit.
- 324 days of grilled meat using fire place.
- 321 days of grilled meat using small fire pit or deck grill.
- 156 days of smoked meat.
- 53 days of meat jerky.
Making food fast or feeding a crowd
- infinite days/day of meat jerky
- 37.4 days/day of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with big pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 22.4 days/day of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 19.4 days/day of grilled meat using fire place.
- 17.5 days/day of salted meat.
- 11.2 days/day of cooked meat using small fire pit or deck grill with small pot of stone, copper or steel.
- 9.9 days/day of grilled meat using spit.
- 8.0 days/day of cooked meat using oven.
- 6.3 days/day of smoked meat
- 4,5 days/day of grilled meat using small fire pit or deck grill.
- 0.5 days/day of meat jerky.
Meat jerky is automatic, so you don't spend any time on it, but for completeness it's calculated both with and without that time included.