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Create the page "World travel" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Cantr time revolves around a slightly different system than the real world: 20 days to a Cantr-year, 8 Cantr-hours per day, each of which is 36 Cantr- == Cantr/real-world time ==4 KB (660 words) - 15:04, 21 October 2021
- Before diving into this Train Travel Guide, some background information may be helpful: ===Trains in the Real World===6 KB (1,031 words) - 22:52, 11 February 2022
- ...n accents or styles to their speech and so, to each their own. Due to real world stereotypes, people are likely to be suspicious of a sailor who wears an ey ...e piracy more difficult since towns can be warned without anyone having to travel between them to bear the message. Fortunately there are still a lot of regi6 KB (1,144 words) - 03:29, 17 September 2013
- far as their stomach can take them. The less common messenger birds can travel 150 [[pixel]]s a day, and the common [[wood pigeon]] 125. On a completely f You must physically be able to travel to each location at least once to train it to know its nest. Also if no one5 KB (953 words) - 19:45, 1 October 2021