Hot cocoa with marshmallows

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Hot cocoa with marshmallows
Nourishing Food / Healing Food
EatenTBD grams
Heals5.5% per 100 grams
18 grams heals 1% injury
Manufactured Resource
Resourcescocoa powder, milk, sugar, marshmallows
Machineryfireplace or campstove
pot of stone, copper or steel
Methods of  manufacturing
fireplace (300g wood or firewood)
200g cocoa powder, 300g milk, 100g sugar
100g marshmallows
campstove (20g propane)
200g cocoa powder, 300g milk, 100g sugar
100g marshmallows

Do you still hate winter? Got that significant other with which you want to share that fur rug, but wanna kick it up a notch? Introverted and just want to hide under a thick blanket, but for some reason hot cocoa just isn't exciting enough? You want that zing...that adventure, but without having to give up the comfort. Say no more, my friend. With a handful of marshmallows, your world will change forever. Just stir them into your pot of stone, copper or steel using a whisk.

Cantr Staff™ isn't against plain hot cocoa, per se. After all, some of us(who???) have to watch our weight.