From Cantr II Wiki
These are Lojban translations of page titles. If I can't find a word in jbovlaste, I will not invent one (except in obvious cases like "velcradi")
- 3/4 axe: cmalu ka'amru
- Adze: ?
- Aluminium: .alminiu
- Asparagus: ?
- Binoculars: ?
- Blowing iron: ?
- Bodkin: ?
- Bones: bongu
- Bronze: ransu
- Carving knife: ?
- Cloth: bukpu
- Copper: tunka
- Corn: zumri
- File: ?
- Fractional distillation stack: ?
- Grits: zumri canre
- Hammer: mruli
- Hematite: ?
- Hemp: marna
- Iron: tirse
- Kitchen table: jupku'a jubme
- Knife: dakfu
- Leather: ?
- Low power wire: cinla jimsko
- Magnetite: ?
- Medium wooden shaft: branu'i ke mudri grana
- Milk: ladru
- Needle: jesni
- Pair of pliers: ?
- Radio (receiver): velcradi
- Radio receiver case: ?
- Rubber: ckabu
- Screwdriver: lupcartci
- Sickle: ?
- Sledgehammer: ?
- Steel: gasta
- Stone: rokci
- Table: jubme
- Taconite: ?
- Wood: mudri
- Work bench: gunka jubme