Stone tombstone

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Revision as of 15:42, 28 October 2021 by Shaudawn (talk | contribs)

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Stone tombstone
Object typeRoleplay items
Skill usedBuilding
Time1 day(s)
Objectsstone slab
Toolsshovel or bronze shovel
Locationgraveyard only
Rot and repair
Rot0 points per day
0 points per day of use
Repair0 points per hour
Fixed object
Fixed storage
Capacity0 grams

So, what do you want on your tombstone? It had better be good.

Make sure when you create it, you tick the Set custom description box and enter in a description. You only get one chance because once it's made, there is no editing the description afterwards. You have been forewarned.

There is no limit to how many of these you can build in a graveyard, truly making it a necropolis as far as the eye can see. Tombstones can be removed, but it takes five days and it returns nothing. Much like the life it represents. You heartless basta— (Sorry about that. The depressed editor writing this wiki entry has been sacked.)