Alkoholhaltiga drycker
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There are five types of fermented beverages: vin, cider, mjöd, sake, and öl. Each of these has both healing and nutritional value, and each involves multiple steps in production. The jäsningsfat is used for the fermentation of other healing liquids made with the ostpress or trähink eller järnhink. Casks must be built inside stone, brick, or marble buildings, and all cask projects are automated, requiring either 10 or 20 days for fermentation. The production of each of these 5 foods is described below.
Made of fermented grape juice, which comes from crushing vindruvor in the ostpress. The grape juice is left to ferment in the jäsningsfat for 20 days, yielding wine, which can be eaten for nutrition at 100 grams per day, or consumed as a healing food at a rate of 16.02 grams per 1% damage.
Made of fermented apple juice, which comes from crushing äpplen in the ostpress. The apple juice is left to ferment in the jäsningsfat for 20 days, yielding cider, which can be eaten for nutrition at 100 grams per day, or consumed as a healing food at a rate of 19.45 grams per 1% damage.
Made by fermenting honung that has been clarified with vatten in a trähink eller järnhink. The clarified honey is left to ferment in the jäsningsfat for 20 days, yielding mead, which can be eaten for nutrition at 100 grams per day, or consumed as a healing food at a rate of 14.29 grams per 1% damage.
Made by fermenting moromi, which comes from ris that has been polished in a kvarnsten or manuell kornkvarn, the polished rice then filtered with vatten in a trähink eller järnhink. The moromi is left to ferment in the jäsningsfat for 10 days, yielding sake, which can be eaten for nutrition at 62 grams per day, or consumed as a healing food at a rate of 45.45 grams per 1% damage.
Made by fermenting wort, which is made from korn that has been malted in the trähink eller järnhink, the malted barley then mashed in the ostpress. The wort is left to ferment in the jäsningsfat for 10 days, yielding beer, which can be eaten for nutrition at 40 grams per day, or consumed as a healing food at a rate of 76.92 grams per 1% damage.
A comparison of the nutrition and healing values of these foods follows.
grapes: 44.64g heals 1%
grape juice: 26.60g heals 1%
wine: 16.02g heals 1%; eaten at 100g per day
apples: 87.72g heals 1%
apple juice: 43.86g heals 1%
cider: 19.45g heals 1%; eaten at 100g per day
honey: 33.33g heals 1%
clarified honey: 22.22g heals 1%
mead: 14.29g heals 1%; eaten at 100g per day
rice: eaten at 166g per day
polished rice: eaten at 116g per day
moromi: eaten at 62g per day
sake: 45.45g heals 1%; eaten at 62g per day
barley: inedible raw
malt: inedible raw
wort: inedible raw
beer: 76.92g heals 1%; eaten at 40g per day