Departamento de Jogadores

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(em construção)

Sua função no jogo

O Departamento de Jogadores, comummente referido como o “PD” (Players Department, em inglês), administra o banco de dados dos jogadores de Cantr e atua em prol do cumprimento das regras vigentes no jogo. Sua principal responsabilidade é localizar e investigar as eventuais violações às Capital Rule,

(testando) and also the Four-day Rule outside the game. Further duties include handling player applications and any in game issues players might have that are not related to programming, password or account number recovery, and assisting with all requests and questions by players that do not relate to any other department. The Players Department answer to the Game Administration Board and are strictly monitored to prevent exploitation of confidential knowledge.

Applying to this department

As this department is a mixture of customer service and an in-game detective system, a broad array of talents are required. Members of this department need to have clear and friendly email communication skills and need to have a perfect grasp of the Capital Rule. A good sense of what is acceptable and what is not in terms of player behaviour is crucial. As with the Programming Department, due to the level of confidential information Player Department members are asked to deal with, the level of screening is thorough and access granted only after necessary skills are evidenced. nvestigar

Current members

For the most up to date staff listings, please check the Cantr Departments Overview