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Nourishing Food
Eaten31 grams
Manufactured Resource
Methods of  manufacturing
kitchen table
2000g baked potatoes, 40g salt
Fries are made from baked potatoes and salt on a kitchen table.

Trivia & Real Life Context

Perhaps a prime example of the game violating its own Capital Rule, this incongruous nourishing food is still referred to in-game as "french fries" despite it not being either "French" (since "France" is a geopolitical entity that does not exist in the Cantr world) nor is it actually "fried" (since it was added to the game before cooking oils existed and thus made use of baked potatoes).

Of course, the naming issue is further exacerbated by the fact that this North American English name is called something else in just about every country around the world—including, but not limited to: chips (British English), finger chips (Indian English), french-fried potatoes, potato wedges, pommes frites or "frites" (French), frieten, patat, Fritten, patatas fritas, frytki, etc. Under no circumstances should the player every call them 'freedom fries' as this is not only doubly incongruous, but really rather petty and frivolous.

Furthermore, if you've ever tried to slice baked potatoes into little salted sticks, you know that making fries in this way is nigh impossible. Cantr Staff™ recommends that the player just wave their hand and just go with it.