Talk:Int emotes

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Revision as of 08:56, 28 September 2007 by Seko (talk | contribs) (Russian emotes?)

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I would appreciate it if someone wants to check my french and maybe add the accents.

2x nods

robin_waw... nods to jest i "kiwa głową" i "kłania się"?

robin_waw... "nods" is it "kiwa głową" and "kłania się"?

German translation

Mogłem popełnić trochę błędów w tłumaczeniu, więc wszelkie poprawki jak najbardziej wskazane. I could make some mistakes in german translation, so the all improvements are indicated. Ich habe einige Fehle machen, also jeden Korrektüre sind angebracht.

Russian emotes?

Do we have any editors who'd know Russian? All I've learned so far is *ulybaetsa* for *smiles* and guessing *smejiotsa* means *laughs*? Could really use some more.