Различия между Cantr и другими играми

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Отсутствие предыстории

В большинстве ролевых игр люди, как правило, начинают играть, сперва придумывая персонажу бэкстори на основе вселенной. В Cantr это неприемлимо, поскольку в вашу историю наверняка будут включены персоны, а может и члены семьи, а также объекты, которые не могли и никогда не существовали. У новичков может быть история вроде той, что его (перед спавном в мире) полностью ограбили, а потому он вынужден скитаться, однако это, в общем счете, создаст у них необходимость охотиться на тех грабителей; хотя это никому не будет интересно, ибо сами игроки понимают, что это выдумка и тех воров не существовало в помине. Идеально будет вести себя так, будто вы появились из воздуха без малейших подробностей о прошлой жизни. Такой бэкграунд даже поддерживается.

Нет стартового инвентаря

Большинство игр также, как правило, на старте дают игроку базовое снаряжение, однако в Cantr все объекты создаются только игроками. В некоторых регионах наблюдается переизбыток предметов из-за неудаления инвентаря мертвых персонажей, поэтому некоторые сообщества могут раздавать новичкам какие-то вещи, но при этом требовать что-то взамен.

Traveling is very time-consuming

In most games, characters can move between locations instantly with a single click. In Cantr, however, locations are spaced wide apart, so traveling takes an average of three days. Some desert roads might even take about a year. This is to encourage characters to build or otherwise acquire vehicles.

Traveling happens in ticks, which happen every three real-life hours. If you start traveling mere moments before the tick happens, you could arrive at your destination within seconds, assuming the road is short enough, but usually only if you're in a fast vehicle. On the flipside, you might step on the road, turn around and have to wait almost three hours to return to where you left from because you started traveling right after the tick had passed (or while it was currently ongoing).

What is and isn't possible while traveling

If a character is traveling on foot, he or she cannot engage in projects, drop things or hand things to other people, but traveling in a vehicle allows all of these things. It's also possible to talk to other people on the road, if you're close enough, but it's easy to lose sight of someone if they're traveling at a different speed.


If your character dies, that's final. There's no way to resurrect him or her. Assuming your email address is valid, you will receive an email with the last events. This email is sent automatically, so you shouldn't reply to it because that's pointless. If you did not receive an email and want to know what happened, you should contact staff straight away because the events get deleted after seven days and after that there's no means to retrieve them.

What happens to your character's inventory when (s)he dies

In most other games, inventory is deleted, but in Cantr, it falls to the ground in the location where your character was at the time of death. If you're considering to go there with one of your other characters to pick it up, don't, that's against the rules. Your characters shouldn't benefit from the work of your other characters because that counts as using a "mule". So basically if one of your characters dies, his or her possessions will either be picked up by another player's character(s) or left to rot.

What happens to your account when you unsubscribe

The account will remain in the database, but in an inactive state, and if you want it reactivated, you need to contact support. Cantr won't sell your email address to third parties, so it shouldn't bother you that it's in the database.

Different languages

In other games, different languages generally exist on separate servers and won't interact, but Cantr is a multi-lingual environment, so it will be possible to run into members of other language groups. No character should be spawned bi-lingual, even if they spawn in a bi-lingual town. Instead you should roleplay a language learning process for a minimum of forty days (two in-game years) before you'll be allowed to use OOC knowledge of the other language. Before that time has passed, you're only allowed to use words you have learned in-game, from characters and dictionary notes, so you shouldn't for example use Google Translate.