Hemp cloth is used to create kläder, and it's use is quite common throughout Cantr. In real life, hemp cloth would appear rough and fibrous, with a brownish color. In order to create cloth, you're going to need access to a lot of machinery. This is not an easy task for the poor, in most places.
Raw Hemp
Raw hampa's main purpose in Cantr, is for hemp cloth. It is practically useless in its raw form, and in most places you'll find it's not a very tradable resource. It can be gathered at the rate of 850 grams a day, ideally, although there are no tools or machinery to increase the gathering rate.
Spinning the Yarn
In order to refine your raw hemp into hampagarn you're going to need a spinnrock. In one day, you can produce 830 grams of hemp yarn, but you're going to need 840 grams of raw hemp. Hemp yarn is used in the final process of creating hampakläder and snöre.
Weaving the Cloth
The final step in creating the hemp cloth is to weave it. To do this, you will need a vävstol.